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Unapologetically Sensitive

We explore how sensitivity weaves itself into our lives; the richness that it adds, and the strengths we have BECAUSE of our sensitivity--and some of the challenges it poses as well. You may learn to live a bolder, brighter life.

Sep 27, 2022

Bunny The Talking Dog

Alexis (Bunny’s human), talks about wanting to have the best relationship with her dog, and she wanted to develop trust and a strong bond with Bunny, so she decided to teach bunny to talk. Bunny uses words like happy, mad, sad, concerned, ugh, sorry, and please. Alexis talks about the research...

Sep 20, 2022

Adjusting to Unexpected Bumps

Do you expect that you will handle things with grace and ease, and you get angry at yourself (or others) when you don’t? What if being out of balance was to be expected? Jen and I talk about looking at the larger context when we don’t respond the way we’d like.  We talk about what may...

Sep 13, 2022

Managing Emotional Dysregulation Part 2

I share 5 things that happened in a few days that contributed to me being very dysregulated. My wounded parts were showing up in full force.  I share come of the common wounds that come up for people (hopelessness, feeling like you can’t count on others; no one cares, etc.), as...

Sep 6, 2022

Managing Emotional and Physical Dysregulation

Jen and I both got triggered, and Jen talks about what it felt like physically to be dysregulated.  She talks about the wound of “Is it safe to be me? Will I be rejected?” and how she worked with those parts.  Jen shares 13 things she did to be present for herself and...